Children and Young People

Under 5s

Children under 5 are warmly invited to join us in the service or, on the first Sunday of the month, to come out to the Hall with their parent or carer to listen to or take part in Sunday School. The Lady Chapel is open during the service as well if babies or young children get restless and want to play, run or crawl around outside the confines of the pew!

Sunday School

For children aged 5 – 15, Sunday School is held the first Sunday of the month in the church Hall. The children rejoin the congregation with the Sunday School leaders during the Offertory, sitting together at the front of the church. On the last Sunday of the month, the young people take part in the service, reading the lessons and leading the prayers.

We hold a few special services and events throughout the year that are dedicated to families, including our much-loved Christmas Eve Family service and an Easter activity event on Good Friday. In addition, St Andrew’s supports a Scout Group (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts), which in the past have taken part in Parade Services on occasions like Remembrance, Harvest and Mothering Sundays.

We’re always looking for ways to grow our offering for young people, and indeed to welcome more children into our church community so please do feel welcome to come join us and say hello!

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