Worship Services
Sunday Eucharist
Parish Eucharist | 10am Sunday 9th February | |
Fourth Sunday Before Lent | |
Sunday School during the service> | |
Service followed by refreshments in the Hall. | |
Readings: | Malachi 3 v 1-5 |
Psalm: 24 v (1-6), 7-10 | |
Response: | The Lord of hosts, he is the king of glory |
Hebrews 2 v 14-18 | |
To greet the Gospel there is sung: | Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! |
The Gospel of the day: | Luke 2 v 22-40 |
Music for the service today
Gathering | 588 | And can it be that I should gain |
Offertory | 589 | Angel-voices ever singing |
Communion | 621 | Dear Lord and Father of mankind |
Dismissal | 475 | Forth in the peace of Christ we go |
Coming this Week
Monday February 10th | St Scholastica, Virgin |
Pray for: The Benedictine Sisters | |
Tuesday February 11th | World Day for the Sick |
Pray for: All on our parish prayer list | |
Wednesday February 12th | Feria |
Pray for: Our Ministry Team | |
Thursday February 13th | Feria |
Pray for: The PCC | |
9.30am Morning Prayer – followed by refreshments | |
Friday February 14th | St Cyril, Monk & St Methodius, Bishop |
Pray for: Missionaries | |
Saturday February 15th | Thomas Bray, Priest, Founder of SPCK |
Pray for: The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge | |
Sunday February 16th | Septuagesima |
Readings: Jeremiah 17 v 5-10 Psalm: 1 |
Response: Happy are they who walk in the law of the Lord | |
1 Corinthians 15 v 12-20 | |
Gospel: Luke 6 v 17-26 |
Dates for the Diary
Saturday 8th February | Another Place |
Screening @3:30pm & 7pm at The Fellowship Cinema in Bellingham. Corbett Society Chair Jon Wright explores the history and architecture of SE6 – featuring St Andrew’s! - in this new documentary film, produced by Ben Honeybone. Tickets available here. |
Sunday 2nd March | Board Game Party |
@11:30am in the Hall – following the success of the Board Game Party, the youth of St A’s will be gathering in the Hall after the service to enjoy time together – activity TBC. |