Stained Glass
The East Window

The striking east window in the chancel is a memorial to those who gave their lives in the First World War. It was given by the congregation at a cost of £1,100 and dedicated by the Bishop of Woolwich in 1921.
It depicts our Lord sitting enthroned in the City of God; from the foundations of the City emerges the water of life, flowing down to the world. On each side of the central figure is a procession of saints, each bearing his or her banner. Each procession is approaching the foot of the Throne.
At the base are kneeling figures: on the left, a soldier, and on the right, a sailor, each facing towards the central figure.
In the tracery above, there are emblems which complete the Blessed Trinity: the Hand indicating the Father and Creator, and the Dove emblematic of the Sanctifying Spirit. Also there are the indications of the “Instruments” of the Passion of Our Lord, by and through which His saints and followers are made acceptable to God.
The procession of saints on the left are (from left to right): St. Barbara, the Patron Saint of constructive art; St. Louis, for France, a ruler and a crusader; St. Alban, British Martyr (his face is just visible by the side of the mullion); St. George, in armour, the Patron Saint of England and soldiers; St. Longinus, whom tradition claims to have been the centurion who stood beside the Cross and said, “Truly this Man was the Son of God”. The procession on the right shows (from left to right): St. Martin, soldier and Bishop; St. Nicholas, Patron Saint of sailors and young people; St. Victor, a soldier and Martyr for the Faith; St. Andrew (whose face alone is seen); and St. Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans, in her resplendent robe.
The lancet window to the left of the east window in the chancel depicts the Archangel Michael. It was installed in 1929 as a thanks offering by members of the St. Andrew’s Ladies’ Working Party.
The lancet window to the right of the east window in the chancel depicts the Archangel Raphael. Also installed in 1929, it is the choirboys’ memorial to Edward Bonham who died on 28 July 1904 aged 16.
The Chancel Clerestory

The four chancel clerestory windows are reproduced here. They depict (clockwise from top left) Simeon, the Madonna, Henry Purcell and St. Ambrose. All were designed by Martin Travers.
The Ambrose and Madonna (Magnificat) windows were given by Archdeacon Philpott (the first vicar of St. Andrew’s) and dedicated in 1933.
The Simeon (Nunc Dimittis) window was given in memory of William Bull, sacristan, who died in 1958, and was dedicated in 1961.
The Purcell Window was given as recently as 1998 by Jack and Dorothy Bloomfield in thanksgiving for 50 years of happy marriage.
Martin Travers also designed a fifth window depicting Zacharias but to date this has not been installed.
The Lady Chapel

The left hand of the three windows in the Lady Chapel north wall depicts David, Psalmist and Prophet. It is in memory of Percy W Kennett who fell at Passchendæle on 30 October 1917.
The centre window in the Lady Chapel north wall shows the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Christ Child. It was given in memory of the wife and daughter of S H Patten.
The right hand window in the Lady Chapel north wall depicts St. Teresa in the habit of a Carmelite nun, holding a spray of lilies and wearing the Crown of Thorns. It was given in affectionate memory of Theresa Violet Hughes, who died on 24 October 1918.
Chapel of the Child Jesus

This window in the Chapel of the Child Jesus shows Jesus as a boy. It was given by the children of the parish in 1936.