
Donate to St Andrew's Church


It’s expensive to maintain and care for a historic building like St Andrew’s. It costs £52,000 a year just to function, including £6,760 for insurance, £5,720 for gas and electricity and £5,460 for regular maintenance and repairs. In addition to these running costs, forthcoming Quinquennial repairs are likely to run into the tens of thousands.


Your generosity will make all the difference to the church and its work.


To give directly, please use the PayPal or Debit/Credit card buttons below.

Or you can give through our ‘Give A Little‘ donation page by scanning the QR code below:

If you would prefer to do a direct bank transfer, our bank details are:

Account Number: 87451921

Sort Code: 60-04-36

Reference: Your name

Please consider setting up a regular standing order and including Gift Aid in your donation, if you are able.

Contact our churchwardens for more details:

Legacies and Giving

Legacies are a lifeline for our church. These gifts make a real difference to the future work of the St Andrew’s, helping to finance mission projects, maintain our beautiful church buildings and grow faithful communities.


Leaving a legacy can be a way of thanking God for all the blessings you have received in your lifetime. You can write your will for free through a Church of England initiative.


Click to view the St Andrew’s PCC Legacy Policy.


The Church of England has partnered with Farewill, the UK’s favourite will writer, to offer a free online will writing service. Making a will and keeping it updated is an important part of Christian Stewardship and with Farewill individuals can do it from the comfort of their home, for free and in less than 30 minutes. Click here to get started  


To find out Why every Christian should have a Will and to order free leaflets for your church, please click here.

Our other charities

Lewisham Bank of Things

The Bank of Things is a Young Mayors Project working in partnership with Lewisham Local aimed at Young People aged 11 to 25 living in Lewisham. Former Young Mayors have used their budgets to develop the Bank of Things to address the issue of poverty and lack of resources for young people in the borough. They now supply everyday necessities to any young person facing hardship living in Lewisham.

Mission Aviation Fellowship

Mission Aviation Fellowship – or MAF – is a Christian mission organisation that uses planes to overcome Jungles, mountains, swamps, insecurity and dilapidated infrastructure barriers, to receiving physical and spiritual care and a hope for the future. Our pilots and personnel deliver relief workers, doctors, pastors, school books, food, medicines – everything that can only be safely and speedily transported by air.

Lewisham Food Bank

Lewisham Food Bank provides approximately three days’ worth of nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis. They are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

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